
电    话:755 29840526
传    真:755 29840529
           755 29840656
EMAIL   :hkfeilong@163.com
网    址: http://www.flsj.com.cn
联系地址: 深圳市龙华新区龙胜工业区21楼2楼



In the long customs inspection work, the company has a good reputation, urgent customer needs, what customers are thinking, my company will operate under the cooperative nature of customers, products, etc., according to the expertise we know to help clients develop a fast and convenient customs clearance program, we believe that customers need more than just a simple procedure of customs clearance staff, but one can solve the problem. Clearance rate, every second counts, every second counts! Your goods must be made first, the first time into the territory. The company has a number of quality and the quality of customs staff, their expertise is superb and the efficiency with accurate and rapid clearance customer satisfaction! For the special species, such as a large mechanical and electrical equipment, frozen or live seafood, dangerous goods, big-ton minerals, grains, auto parts, steel products, marine and special operations and customs clearance services have a unique advantage!

版权所有 深圳市飞龙世纪物流有限公司 技术支持:BCC  深圳网站建设 链接:复印机租赁 会议桥
深圳飞龙世纪专业提供中港物流运输,中港进出口快递,深圳到香港专线物流 互联网备案许可号: 粤ICP备11070106号